$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 v0_3_1, OpenLayers. Format. OWSContext. v0_3_1. OpenLayers. Format. OWSContext
 v1_1, OpenLayers. Format. WFSCapabilities. v1. OpenLayers. Format. WFSCapabilities
 v1_1_1, OpenLayers. Format. WMSCapabilities/ v1_1_1. OpenLayers. Format. WMSCapabilities
 value2regex, OpenLayers. Filter. Comparison
 vectorMode, OpenLayers. Layer.WFS
 vectorRoot, OpenLayers. Renderer. Elements
 vertices, OpenLayers. Control. ModifyFeature
 viewPortDiv, OpenLayers.Map
 viewRequestID, OpenLayers.Map
 VincentyConstants, Util
 VirtualEarth, OpenLayers. Layer. VirtualEarth. OpenLayers. Layer
 virtualStyle, OpenLayers. Control. ModifyFeature
 virtualVertices, OpenLayers. Control. ModifyFeature
 visibility, OpenLayers. Layer
 VML, OpenLayers. Renderer. VML. OpenLayers. Renderer
Instances of this class are not created directly.
Instances of this class are not created directly.
Instances of this class are not created directly.
Instances of this class are not created directly.
Instances of this class are not created directly.
Create an instance of one of the subclasses.
Instances of this class are not created directly.
Instances of this class are not created directly.
Create a new parser for SOS capabilities version 1.0.0.
Create a new parser for WFS capabilities version 1.0.0.
A class for parsing and generating WFS v1.0.0 transactions.
Instances of this class are not created directly.
Create a new parser for WMTS capabilities version 1.0.0.
A class for giving layers WFS v1.0.0 protocol.
Create an instance of one of the subclasses.
Instances of this class are not created directly.
Create a new parser for WFS capabilities version 1.1.0.
A class for parsing and generating WFS v1.1.0 transactions.
Instances of this class are not created directly.
Create a new parser for WMS capabilities version 1.1.0.
A class for giving layers WFS v1.1.0 protocol.
Create a new parser for WMS capabilities version 1.1.1.
Create a parser for GML v2.
Mixin providing functionality specific to the Google Maps API v2.
A class for parsing and generating CSWGetDomain v2.0.2 transactions.
A class for parsing and generating CSWGetRecords v2.0.2 transactions.
Create a parser for GML v3.
Mixin providing functionality specific to the Google Maps API v3.
{Number} or {String} comparison value for binary comparisons.
{OpenLayers.Bounds || OpenLayers.Geometry} The bounds or geometry to be used by the filter.
value2regex: function(wildCard,
Converts the value of this rule into a regular expression string, according to the wildcard characters specified.
Create a vector feature.
Create a new vector layer
{Boolean} Should be calculated automatically.
{Object} Additional parameters that will be added to the request, for WMS implementations that support them.
{Object} Additional parameters that will be added to the request, for WMTS implementations that support them.
{String} Specify a version string if one is known.
{String} CSW version number.
{String} CSW version number.
{String} Specify a version string if one is known.
{String} Specify a version string if one is known.
{String} Specify a version string if one is known.
{String} Specify a version string if one is known.
{String} WFS version number.
{String} WFS version number.
{String} WFS version number.
{String} Specify a version string if one is known.
{String} The specific parser version.
{String} The specific parser version.
{String} The specific parser version.
{String} Specify a version string if one is known.
{String} Specify a version string if one is known.
{String} The parser version (“1.0.0”).
{Number} The version of the Google Maps API
{String} WMTS version.
{String} WFS version number.
{String} WFS version number.
{String} WFS version number.
{String} 1.0.0
{String} 1.1.0
{String} 0.3.1
{String} 1.0.0
{String} 1.0.0
{String} 1.0.0
{String} 1.0.0
{String} 1.1.0
{Array(OpenLayers.Feature.Vector)} Verticies currently available for dragging.
{HTMLDivElement} The element that represents the map viewport
{String} Used to store a unique identifier that changes when the map view changes.
{Object} Constants for Vincenty functions.
{Object} A symbolizer to be used for virtual vertices.
{Array(OpenLayers.Feature.Vector)} Virtual vertices in the middle of each edge.
{Boolean} The layer should be displayed in the map.
{Boolean} should the graticule be initially visible (default=true)
visible: function(element)
visible: function()
{Boolean} Boolean indicating whether or not the popup is visible
Create a new VML renderer.