Property Index
$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 _complete, OpenLayers. Ajax. Request
 _scriptName, OpenLayers
 activeRequestCount, OpenLayers.Ajax
 activeState, OpenLayers. Control. Panel
 allOverlays, OpenLayers.Map
 allowSelection, OpenLayers. Control
 alpha, OpenLayers. Layer
 alphaHackNeeded, Util
 alwaysInRange, OpenLayers. Layer
 alwaysZoom, OpenLayers. Control. ZoomBox
 angle, OpenLayers. Handler. RegularPolygon
 animationEnabled, OpenLayers. Layer. VirtualEarth
 areaTags, OpenLayers. Format.OSM
 argParserClass, OpenLayers. Control. Permalink
 ascending, OpenLayers. Control. LayerSwitcher
 aspectRatio, OpenLayers. Layer. Image
 async, OpenLayers. Layer. ArcIMS
 attributes, OpenLayers. Feature. Vector
 attribution, OpenLayers. Layer
 auto, OpenLayers. Strategy.Save
 autoPan, OpenLayers. Control. OverviewMap
 backBufferTile, OpenLayers. Tile. Image
 backgroundColor, OpenLayers. Popup
 base, OpenLayers. Control. Permalink
 baseLayer, OpenLayers.Map
 baseLayers, OpenLayers. Control. LayerSwitcher
 baseLayersDiv, OpenLayers. Control. LayerSwitcher
 begin, OpenLayers. Tween
 blocks, OpenLayers. Popup. Framed
 border, OpenLayers. Popup
 bottom, OpenLayers. Bounds
 bottomInUnits, OpenLayers. Control. ScaleLine
 bottomOutUnits, OpenLayers. Control. ScaleLine
 boxCharacteristics, OpenLayers. Handler.Box
 boxDivClassName, OpenLayers. Handler.Box
 buffer, OpenLayers. Layer.Grid
 buttonClicked, OpenLayers. Control. MouseToolbar
{String} Relative path of this script.
{Boolean} The control is active.
{Boolean} The control is active.
{Object} stores the active state of this panel’s controls.
{Boolean} Allow the map to function with “overlays” only.
{Boolean} By deafault, controls do not allow selection, because it may interfere with map dragging.
{Boolean} The layer’s images have an alpha channel.
{Boolean} true if the png alpha hack is necessary and possible, false otherwise.
{Boolean} If a layer’s display should not be scale-based, this should be set to true.
{Boolean} Always zoom in/out, when box drawed
{Float} The angle from the origin (mouse down) to the current mouse position, in radians.
{Boolean} If set to true, the transition between zoom levels will be animated.
{Array} List of tags indicating that something is an area.
{Class} The ArgParser control class (not instance) to use with this control.
{Float} The ratio of height/width represented by a single pixel in the graphic
{Boolean} Request images asynchronously.
{Object} This object holds arbitrary, serializable properties that describe the feature.
{String} Attribution string, displayed when an OpenLayers.Control.Attribution has been added to the map.
{Boolean | Number} Auto-save.
{Boolean} Activate the control when it is added to a map.
{Boolean} Activate the control when it is added to a map.
{Boolean} Activate the control when it is added to a map.
{Boolean} Activate the control when it is added to a map.
{Boolean} Activate the control when it is added to a map.
{Boolean} Activate the control when it is added to a map.
{Boolean} Activate the control when it is added to a map.
{Boolean} The creator of the strategy can set autoActivate to false to fully control when the protocol is activated and deactivated.
{Boolean} The creator of the protocol can set autoDestroy to false to fully control when the protocol is destroyed.
{Boolean} The creator of the strategy can set autoDestroy to false to fully control when the strategy is destroyed.
{Boolean} Always pan the overview map, so the extent marker remains in the center.
{Boolean} Resize the popup to auto-fit the contents.
{Boolean} Framed Cloud is autosizing by default.
{OpenLayers.Tile} A clone of the tile used to create transition effects when the tile is moved or changes resolution.
{String} the background color used by the popup.
{OpenLayers.Layer} The currently selected base layer.
{Object} Values to start the animation with
{Array[Object]} Array of objects, each of which is one “block” of the popup.
{String} the border size of the popup.
{Number} Minimum vertical coordinate.
{String} Units for zoomed in on bottom bar.
{String} Units for zoomed out on bottom bar.
{OpenLayers.Bounds} The box bounding that feature’s geometry, that property can be set by an OpenLayers.Format object when deserializing the feature, so in most cases it represents an information set by the server.
{OpenLayers.Bounds} The bounds of this geometry
{OpenLayers.Bounds} The current data bounds (in the same projection as the layer - not always the same projection as the map).
{OpenLayers.Bounds} null
{Boolean} Allow feature selection by drawing a box.
{Boolean} Allow feature selection by drawing a box.
{OpenLayers.Feature.Vector} The transformation box rectangle.
{Object} Caches some box characteristics from css.
{String} The CSS class to use for drawing the box.
{Integer} Used only when in gridded mode, this specifies the number of extra rows and colums of tiles on each side which will surround the minimum grid tiles to cover the map.
Object containing methods to do the actual geometry node building based on geometry type.
Object containing methods to do the actual geometry node building based on geometry type.
{Array(DOMElement)} Array of Button Divs