Property Index
$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 object, OpenLayers. Events
 observers, OpenLayers. Event
 ogcns, OpenLayers. Format.WFS
 oldOnselectstart, OpenLayers. Handler.Drag
 onBeforeSelect, OpenLayers. Control. SelectFeature
 onComplete, OpenLayers. Control. DragFeature
 onDrag, OpenLayers. Control. DragFeature
 onModification, OpenLayers. Control. ModifyFeature
 onModificationEnd, OpenLayers. Control. ModifyFeature
 onModificationStart, OpenLayers. Control. ModifyFeature
 onSelect, OpenLayers. Control. SelectFeature
 onStart, OpenLayers. Control. DragFeature
 onUnselect, OpenLayers. Control. SelectFeature
 order, OpenLayers. ElementsIndexer
 origin, OpenLayers. Handler. RegularPolygon
 out, OpenLayers. Control. ZoomBox
 outputFormat, OpenLayers. Format. CSWGetRecords. v2_0_2
 outputSchema, OpenLayers. Format. CSWGetRecords. v2_0_2
 ovmap, OpenLayers. Control. OverviewMap
 padding, OpenLayers. Popup
 paddingForPopups, OpenLayers.Map
 paging, OpenLayers. Strategy. Paging
 panDuration, OpenLayers.Map
 pane, OpenLayers. Layer. EventPane
 panMethod, OpenLayers.Map
 panned, OpenLayers. Control. DragPan
 panRatio, OpenLayers.Map
 panTween, OpenLayers.Map
 ParameterName, OpenLayers. Format. CSWGetDomain. v2_0_2
 parent, OpenLayers. Geometry
 parseCoords, OpenLayers. Format. GeoJSON
 pending, OpenLayers. Control. WMTSGetFeatureInfo
 performedDrag, OpenLayers. Control. MouseDefaults
 placemarksDesc, OpenLayers. Format.KML
 playing, OpenLayers. Tween
 pointRadius, OpenLayers. Symbolizer. Point
 popup, OpenLayers. Feature
 popupClass, OpenLayers. Feature
 popups, OpenLayers.Map
 popupSize, OpenLayers. Layer. GeoRSS
 postReadFiltering, OpenLayers. Protocol.SQL
 poweredBy, OpenLayers. Layer. Google
 precedence, OpenLayers. Control. Snapping
 precision, Util
 prefix, OpenLayers. Control. MousePosition
 preload, OpenLayers. Strategy. Fixed
 preserveAspectRatio, OpenLayers. Control. TransformFeature
 pretty, OpenLayers. Format.JSON
 previous, OpenLayers. Control. NavigationHistory
 previousOptions, OpenLayers. Control. NavigationHistory
 previousStack, OpenLayers. Control. NavigationHistory
 priv, OpenLayers. Protocol. Response
 proj, OpenLayers. Projection
 projCode, OpenLayers. Projection
 PropertyName, OpenLayers. Format. CSWGetDomain. v2_0_2
 propertyStyles, OpenLayers. Style
 Query, OpenLayers. Format. CSWGetRecords. v2_0_2
{Object} the code object issuing application events
{Object} A hashtable cache of the event observers.
{OpenLayers.Pixel} distance in pixels to offset the image when being rendered
{Object} Hash with “x” and “y” properties
{Function} Optional function to be called before a feature is selected.
{Function} Define this function if you want to know when a feature is done dragging.
{Function} Define this function if you want to know about each move of a feature.
{Function} Deprecated.
{Function} Deprecated.
{Function} Deprecated.
{Function} Optional function to be called when a feature is selected.
{Function} Define this function if you want to know when a drag starts.
{Function} Optional function to be called when a feature is unselected.
{Float} The layer’s opacity.
{float} the opacity of this popup (between 0.0 and 1.0)
{Object} A reference to options passed to the constructor.
{Object} An optional object whose properties will be set on the layer.
{Object} Any options sent to the constructor.
{Object} Any options sent to the constructor.
{Array<String>} This is an array of node id’s stored in the order that they should show up on screen.
{OpenLayers.Geometry.Point} Location of the first mouse down
{Boolean} Should the control be used for zooming out?
{String} Value of the outputFormat attribute of the GetRecords element, specifies the format of the GetRecords response, “application/xml” is the default.
{String} Value of the outputSchema attribute of the GetRecords element, specifies the schema of the GetRecords response.
{OpenLayers.Map} A reference to the overview map itself.
{int or OpenLayers.Bounds} An extra opportunity to specify internal padding of the content div inside the popup.
{OpenLayers.Bounds} Outside margin of the popup.
{Boolean} The strategy is currently changing pages.
{Integer} The number of steps to be passed to the OpenLayers.Tween.start() method when the map is panned.
{DOMElement} A reference to the element that controls the events.
{Boolean} When drawn, pan map such that the entire popup is visible in the current viewport (if necessary).
{Boolean} Framed Cloud does pan into view by default.
{Function} The Easing function to be used for tweening.
{Boolean} The map moved.
{Float} The ratio of the current extent within which panning will tween.
{OpenLayers.Tween} Animated panning tween object, see panTo()
{String} Value of the csw:ParameterName element, used when writing a GetDomain document.
{Object} Hashtable of key/value parameters
{Object} Extra parameters to include in tile requests.
{Object} Parameters of GET requests, read-only, set through the options passed to the constructor, Example: {‘bbox’: ‘5,5,5,5’}
{OpenLayers.Geometry}This is set when a Geometry is added as component of another geometry
Object with properties corresponding to the GeoJSON geometry types.
Properties of this object are the functions that parse geometries based on their type.
Properties of this object are the functions that parse geometries based on their type.
{Object} Instance of the versioned parser.
{Object} Instance of the versioned parser.
{Object} Instance of the versioned parser.
{OpenLayers.Format} A cached versioned format used for reading.
{OpenLayers.Format} A cached versioned format used for reading.
{OpenLayers.Format} A cached versioned format used for reading.
{Number} The number of pending requests.
{Boolean} Keep the temporary measurement sketch drawn after the measurement is complete.
{Boolean} Leave the feature rendered until destroyFeature is called.
{Boolean} Leave the feature rendered until clear is called.
{Number} Maximum number of pixels between mouseup and mousedown for an event to be considered a click.
{String} Name of the placemarks.
{Boolean} Tells if the easing is currently playing
{OpenLayers.Geometry.Point} The currently snapped vertex.
{OpenLayers.Feature.Vector} The currently drawn point
{Number} Pixel point radius.
{OpenLayers.Class} The class which will be used to instantiate a new Popup.
{Array(OpenLayers.Popup)} List of popups associated with the map
{OpenLayers.Size} This determines the size of GeoRSS popups.
{OpenLayers.Pixel} Top Left pixel of the tile
{Object} Hash of different position blocks (Object/Hashs).
{Object} Hash of differen position blocks, keyed by relativePosition two-character code string (ie “tl”, “tr”, “bl”, “br”)
{Boolean} Whether the filter (if there’s one) must be applied after the features have been read from the database; for example the BBOX strategy passes the read method a BBOX spatial filter, if postReadFiltering is true every feature read from the database will go through the BBOX spatial filter, which can be costly; defaults to true.
{DOMElement} Div for Google’s powered by logo and link
{Array} List representing precedence of different snapping types.
{Number} The number of significant digits to retain to avoid floating point precision errors.
{Boolean} Load data before layer made visible.
{Boolean} set to true to not change the feature’s aspect ratio.
{Boolean} Serialize with extra whitespace for structure.
{OpenLayers.Control} A button type control whose trigger method restores the previous state managed by this control.
{Object} Set this property on the options argument of the constructor to set optional properties on the previous control.
{Array} List of items in the history.
{Object} Proj4js.Proj instance.
{OpenLayers.Projection} or {String} Set in the layer options to override the default projection string this layer - also set maxExtent, maxResolution, and units if appropriate.
{String} Set in the map options to override the default projection string this map - also set maxExtent, maxResolution, and units if appropriate.
{String} name of the context property to compare
{String} Name of the context property to compare.
{String} Value of the csw:PropertyName element, used when writing a GetDomain document.
{Hash of Boolean} cache of style properties that need to be parsed for propertyNames.
{OpenLayers.Protocol} Required.
{OpenLayers.Protocol} Optional protocol for the layer.
{String} Value of the csw:Query element, used when writing a csw:GetRecords document.
{Boolean} If true, filter out hidden layers when searching the map for layers to query.
{Boolean} Filter out hidden layers when searching the map for layers to query.